Rosary High School embarked on a humble journey in 1990 with a vision of revolutionizing the education sector with unrelenting passion. Over time, the school filled its canvas with tireless efforts, and with each stroke of progress, it drew a step closer to creating its own masterpiece.
Being a cornerstone in helping students dream, visualize, plan, and achieve their career goals, Rosary High School has become a beacon of light in eradicating ignorance. The school's credentials speak for themselves through the success of its students, who have blazed new trails and excelled in every imaginable field. Among many notable achievements, the school today strives to provide its students with the best possible facilities to help them become successful individuals in their lives.
Since its inception, Rosary High School has remained committed to instilling values in its students and elevating them to an exalted position, setting them on a path to a wonderful journey of life.
We believe in motivating our students to become good human beings and nurturing their ambitions, helping them soar like falcons to touch the sky. We aim to inspire our students to experience and appreciate the wonders of the world, and create a symphony in their hearts that exudes pure music. For us, the journey of excellence is never-ending, and the journey itself is the destination.
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